Where Style & Variety Meet
  • African American Soldier Series


    Harlem Hellfighters

    Harlem Hellfighters was the nickname given to the 369th Infantry Regiment of the United States Army during World War I. The French government decorated the entire unit with the Croix de Guerre, its highest award for bravery, as well as 170 additional individual medals for valor.

    Golden 13

    The Golden 13 were thirteen African American enlisted men who became the first African American commissioned and warrant officers in the US Navy.

    Triple Nickels 555th

    In March 1945, the 555th was ordered to provide a reinforced company for participation in Operation FIREFLY in Oregon and California. Japanese balloon bombs and natural fires were causing forest fires along the Pacific Coast. The 555th troopers were the Nation’s first line of defense. At Camp Pendleton, Oregon, the company was trained in “smoke jumping” techniques, developed in the 1930s by the U.S. Forest Service as a means to combat wild fires. Throughout the summer of 1944, the troopers plunged by parachute into some of the most difficult terrain in the Pacific Northwest. They were the Army’s first rough terrain jump specialists.
